what to do if someone is trying to steal your identity

Is Someone Using Your Identity?

Identity theft happens every day.

Estimates are that 47% of Americans experienced financial identity theft in 2020.

With nearly one-half of the population affected, you're probably wondering if someone has stolen your identity.

In this guide, we'll reveal the top red flags associated with identity fraud, expose the near common types of scams, and then testify you how to check for all the dissimilar types of identity theft.

How Does Identity Theft Happen?

To steal your identity, con artists need your personal information. Here are some of the most common identity theft techniques:

Phishing Attacks

Scammers volition send spam emails, texts, or fifty-fifty call you pretending to be a representative from Facebook, a government agency or law enforcement. They'll apply social engineering attacks to pressure you lot to "ostend your identity" by asking for personally identifying information such as your Social Security number, so utilize that information to scam you online and commit crimes. (Even worse, it's non always possible to change your Social Security number, even after identity theft.)

Physical Theft

If a thief comes across your driver'southward license or Social Security card, they can use that information to commit identity fraud. You probably didn't know this, but criminals don't need much to steal your identity. Your ID alone provides enough information that can be used for identity theft. Criminals may too try to steal your physical mail to obtain financial information such equally your depository financial institution account number (to commit depository financial institution scams) or credit card business relationship numbers.

Data Breaches

Modern twenty-four hour period scammers apply emerging cyber threats to hack a company's database or obtain hacked information from the Dark Web. Stolen data can include any data you've saved on a shopping website, from passwords to credit card details to Social Security numbers. Sometimes scammers don't even need stolen information equally they can get what they need from your online footprint.

Shoulder Surfing

Believe it or not, scammers with shifty eyes can steal your identity by lurking over your shoulder while you're entering login details to important online accounts on your mobile device. Some other classic shoulder surfing movement too happens at the ATM while you're entering your debit card pin number to withdraw cash.

10 Ways to Recognize Identity Theft

  1. Your credit study doesn't seem accurate.
  2. Suspicious activity on your credit menu and banking company statements.
  3. Unexpected physical mail.
  4. Missing physical postal service.
  5. Your personal documents are lost or stolen.
  6. Suspicious phone calls and voicemails.
  7. Suspicious texts and emails.
  8. Unfamiliar SMS verification codes.
  9. Your income taxation return is manner off.
  10. Unfamiliar devices have access to your online accounts.

1. Your Credit Report Doesn't Seem Authentic

Reviewing your credit history is 1 of the most effective means to know if your identity has been stolen.

Unfortunately, most people don't bank check their credit study until it's too belatedly. For case, imagine you lot're attempting to buy a new car at the dealership but the lender denies yous a line of credit. This could exist a sign of credit theft.

If you have any doubts, asking a free credit report from 1 of the three major credit bureaus—Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion. You can go a free credit report from the federally authorized site, AnnualCreditReport.com.

Check for unfamiliar charges on your credit card accounts or suspicious inquiries on your credit file. The major credit bureaus volition typically include these details in your credit report, which will bear upon your overall credit score.

If you lot find any show of fraudulent action on your credit report, you may exist a victim of identity theft.

ii. Suspicious Activity on Your Credit Carte du jour and Bank Statements

Credit bill of fare fraud was the second-virtually-mutual type of ID theft in 2020 - with 2020 existence the first twelvemonth in history to document more than ii million cases of fraud.

Monitoring your bank business relationship and credit card statements tin can help protect yourself confronting most types of fiscal fraud.

Look for unauthorized charges or withdrawals on all your debit and credit accounts. Don't ignore the modest transactions either, equally thieves will ofttimes first with a small purchase to examination whether a menu works—and to gauge how vigilant the account holder is.

Check out this segment from CNBC to ameliorate understand why credit carte fraud in the U.S. a problem that'due south only getting worse (and how hackers steal credit card numbers).

3. Unexpected Physical Mail

What's inside your mailbox can be a blood-red flag for identity theft.

The showtime and almost obvious sign is unfamiliar mail. If you see credit menu statements or messages from agencies yous don't recognize, it could be a sign of loan fraud. Pregnant, someone is applying for loans or credit cards in your name and mayhap racking up fraudulent charges that you could be on the hook for.

A new trending fraud is with regard to unemployment scams - if you get a letter in the mail from unemployment with information nigh benefits you never claimed, you are nigh likely the victim of identity theft.

Another possibility is medical identity theft. In this scenario, you may receive written notices from a health insurance visitor regarding unfamiliar procedures, or invoices from a doctor's function that you never visited.

4. Missing Concrete Mail service

Some other red flag is missing physical postal service.

In fact, 210 1000000 packages were stolen from Americans in 2021.

Thieves will steal packages right off your front porch. They'll steal mail service directly from your mailbox, and even submit a change of accost asking to try and route all your letters and packages to an authorized accost.

It's specially important to monitor your physical mail when you're expecting sensitive deliveries, like a new credit carte du jour or a replacement Social Security card.

5. Your Personally Identifying Documents Are Lost (or Stolen)

Information technology's critical that you know where all of your identifying documents and debit/credit cards are at all times.

If any of the post-obit items are lost or stolen, you may be at risk for identity theft:
  1. iPhone / Android.
  2. iPad / Tablet.
  3. Laptop / Computer.
  4. Wallet / Handbag.
  5. Passport.
  6. Driver's License.
  7. Social Security Card.
  8. Debit Carte.
  9. Credit Card.
  10. Insurance Card.

While you're at it, remove any extra credit cards from your purse or wallet. It's all-time to travel with just one or 2 credit cards, along with one form of ID, like your driver's license.

If your wallet contains dozens of credit cards, and then you lose your wallet, y'all've created a jackpot opportunity for identity thieves.

NEVER store your Social Security card in your wallet. Your Social Security number is at the top of every scammer's wishlist, and yous can't afford to permit it fall into the incorrect hands.

If your Social Security card is lost or stolen, you lot should contact Social Security administration immediately and request a replacement card at ssa.gov .

6. Suspicious Telephone Calls and Voicemails

We've all seen the "scam likely" caller ID label earlier. Sure, it's piece of cake to ignore robocalls, telemarketers, and automated voicemails. Only it could be a sign of a deeper problem.

Paying shut attention to those unwanted calls and voicemails could assistance y'all recognize identity theft. Beware of unsolicited calls from debt collectors, credit card companies, and utility companies.

If you receive a suspicious phone call from a fiscal institution, it may indicate that someone is applying for credit cards or attempting to open banking concern accounts in your name.

If y'all receive a sketchy voicemail, don't return the call. Instead, punch the company's official number to verify that the message is legitimate.

For a closer look at how prevalent spam calls have go, cheque out this segment from CNBC.

7. Suspicious Emails and Text Messages

A flurry of foreign emails doesn't necessarily mean your inbox has been hacked. Only it'southward yet a crusade for business organisation. Your e-mail address and telephone number are ofttimes compromised whenever data breaches occur. Comparitech establish that 49% of U.Southward. companies take experienced a information alienation in 2021.

Given how widespread this problem has become, you might get notifications nearly new accounts created in your proper name, or flagged transactions from your depository financial institution or credit card.

During the holiday season, text message scams are peculiarly prevalent during Blackness Friday and Cyber Mon. It'southward not uncommon to go a fake delivery notification via SMS, but like this example below.

eight. Unfamiliar SMS Verification Codes

2-Factor Authentication (2FA) is a popular method of strengthening access to your online accounts past requiring two methods of identity verification.

When you lot enable 2FA on services like Gmail, PayPal, Amazon, Facebook and others - you lot'll be asked to verify your identity with a special code before given access to the desired account.

We've all gotten text messages like this one before. It contains a unique, one-time verification code.

Image Credit:How to Geek

Merely what happens if you receive an SMS containing a verification code that you never requested?

It ways an unauthorized person has successfully decoded your password, and if non for 2FA, your account would have been compromised!

Unfortunately, two-factor authentication via SMS creates security vulnerabilities due to a new type of scam called SIM swapping.

Therefore, instead of receiving 2FA codes via SMS, you should always strive to use an authentication app such as Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, or Okta.

ix. Your Income Tax Return is Way Off

Revenue enhancement fraud is a simple, but lucrative scam. A fraudster will impersonate you lot by reporting income that qualifies you lot for a tax refund—except the thief cashes the check, then vanishes.

Beware of notifications that a tax return has been filed on your behalf, or if yous receive a Westward-2 (or other taxation forms) from a company you never worked for. You tin can likewise go online and review your tax return status on the official IRS website.

This type of scam is most common at the beginning of the yr, before most people have filed their almanac taxes with the IRS.

x. Unfamiliar Devices Have Admission to Your Online Accounts

We're using more than devices to access our online accounts than ever before.

According to a report by Statista:

"The average American had access to more x connected devices in their household in 2020."

Given how many connected devices we are using today, it's a good idea to regularly conduct a security review on your about sensitive online accounts.

Check for suspicious activity and thoroughly review all the devices that are currently logged into your online accounts.

Periodically, you should reset your passwords, enable 2FA and forcefulness all other devices to sign out.

If you run into logins from unfamiliar locations or devices yous don't recognize, sign out of those sessions and change your countersign immediately.

For example, Google allows you to see devices that accept accessed your business relationship.

If you lot receive a notification like the case below, it means you've been hacked and must secure your account immediately.

Was Your Identity Stolen? Follow These ten Steps

  1. Change all your passwords.
  2. Use a secure password manager.
  3. Strength all unfamiliar devices to sign out.
  4. Enable 2FA via authenticator apps (not SMS).
  5. Notify your bank and cancel your accounts.
  6. Notify the FTC.
  7. File a constabulary report.
  8. Freeze your credit.
  9. Use antivirus software.
  10. Get ID theft protection.

i. Change All Your Passwords

Preventing identity theft starts with having strong, unique passwords. Most people know they demand to alter all their passwords, but they continue putting information technology off considering it's a headache. Change your usernames and easily guessable common passwords to avoid beingness financially ruined.

ii. Use a Secure Password Manager

Don't be lazy. Avoid selecting ordinarily used passwords for your most precious online accounts.

Another bad addiction is choosing simple passwords that yous tin can easily remember off the top of your head. If you tin can remember information technology, that means information technology can be hacked. Instead, utilize a secure password director for ultimate peace of mind.

3. Forcefulness All Unfamiliar Devices to Sign Out

There's a practiced adventure your accounts were accessed by strange devices from unfamiliar locations. You'll demand to make sure they're logged out.

4. Enable 2FA via Authenticator Apps (Not SMS)

As explained, SMS is vulnerable to SIM swapping, and therefore you lot should use apps like Okta or Google Authenticator to secure your sensitive accounts.

five. Notify Your Bank and Cancel Your Accounts

When identity theft occurs, you lot'll need to contact your bank. They'll assist you through the process of canceling your checking account, savings business relationship and obtaining new credit cards. Y'all'll need to transfer all your funds from the sometime accounts to your new accounts, and set up a new instance of online banking also. If you accept a lot of credit cards, this process can exist a hassle, but it'due south worth the actress try to secure everything and start fresh.

6. Notify the Federal Trade Committee (FTC)

You lot should submit a report to the Federal Trade Commission if your identity is compromised. The FTC handles fraud cases and tin can provide assistance. Y'all can file a claim with the FTC online at IdentityTheft.gov.

If y'all demand more help, follow this fraud victim's checklist for step-by-stride instructions on how to recover from fraud.

seven. File a Police Study

In addition to reporting identity theft to the FTC, yous should contact your local law enforcement and file a police report . If you are covered by identity theft insurance, a police written report may exist required in lodge to submit an insurance claim.

8. Freeze Your Credit

Request a credit freeze and ready up fraud alerts. Aureola can help y'all with this .

9. Use Antivirus Software and VPN

Ransomware, malware and spyware are running rampant today. Don't permit these harmful applications wreak havoc on your online privacy.

Try an antivirus solution like Aura to go on your devices protected.

Additionally, public Wi-Fi will leave you exposed to all types of security vulnerabilities. Public internet connections like those at java shops, libraries, and airports can be tempting—but they're non secure. If possible, employ a VPN to protect your data while browsing publicly.

10. Consider Identity Theft Protection

If you don't know what to do if your identity is stolen, offset with identity theft protection.

Aura is equipped to handle many of the higher up steps proactively. With Aureola, you can become identity theft protection for your entire family forth with a $1,000,000 insurance policy for each adult family unit member.

Gear up to stride up your digital security game ? Try Aureola's 14-Day Costless Trial


Source: https://www.aura.com/learn/how-to-know-if-your-identity-has-been-stolen

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